Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Time....As I see it....

Time is considered to have healing powers, a sign of acquiring wisdom, a tool for better understanding and what not.......In my short span of 24 years....I have heard a lot about the power of time......experienced its power many a times and yet to experience its power in many ways....I dont know what makes up the phenomenon of " time being the best healer" but I sure know that some wounds donot heal.......and even time seems to act wary of healing them......

We often hear inspirational dopes on time, its healing prowess, it filling the gaps, it being the answer to all our questions....but have we ever wondered who and what is this time? We dont even know the gender of it....and yet we instil so much faith in it.....Is it constant? does it bring you close to your goals or move you away from them???

Time is nothing, but a window we perch ourselves on to see things go past us and to see things come close to us......we witness the spectacle on this constant, intangible framework.......which will always stay put no matter where you go.....It aint a vehicle, but a defunct piece of furniture lying in your store room......serving no purpose....just witnessing the passage of hours, days and years.

It is you who decides your time. You are the one who can manipulate and dictate your terms to time and not the other way round. We are not constant, we are tangible, we are ambitious, we feel emotions and it is us who are the best judge of how and when can these so called healing powers of time, heal our world or define the world around us.

Time....is in your hands.... :)


  1. the choice of topic & perspective - very interesting.

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